Sea Sediment Jasper & African Opal Triple Wrap Bracelet/Stretch Mala

Triple wrap stretch bracelet with dyed Sea Sediment Jasper (8mm) & African Opal (6mm) stones that can also be worn as a necklace. Features sterling silver accents and lotus charm.
The lotus represents divine beauty and purity of the heart and mind. The unfolding of the leaves signifies the expanding of the soul and spiritual awakening. The lotus flower grows in muddy waters and rises above the surface to bloom with remarkable beauty

Sea Sediment Jasper has a gentle energy that is calm and refreshing. May bring up past life issues for resolution and offers protection and reassurance during traumatic circumstances. Blue & green varieties help one find inner peace, clarity, love and compassion, and is an excellent stone for emotional healing. Pink and purple varieties help you connect to the higher heart and the collective consciousness of the higher realms.

African Opal is a calming, soothing and purifying stone. It is used to see all possibilities in situations and to cultivate creativity, insight and inspiration. African Opal is a valuable tool for those seeking clarity and inner peace. Believed to be helpful in aligning the physical and light bodies. Assists one to find inner peace, clarity, love and compassion.

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