Wellness Mala

Full 108 bead Fossil Jasper, Unakite, Howlite & Electroplated Volcanic Rock Mala strung and knotted on nylon cord. Features silver plated accents with Jasper pendant. This Mala measures 18" in length including pendant.
Fossil Jasper acts as an energetic tonic for anyone recovering from long term illness and boosts the immune system. Helps you with self expression, eases fear of the unknown and helps you cope with emotional and social strain. This stone will guide you through understanding your life and soul purpose. Fossil jasper promotes the ability to communicate effectively and encourages a team spirit.
Unakite is a stone of vision. Assists to balance emotions with spirituality. Promotes visualization and psychic vision. Unakite provides grounding when needed, Bringing a calm, gentle energy. Releases conditions that inhibit spiritual and psychological growth. Unakite is supportive in recovery from major illness.
Howlite is an extremely calming stone. Treats insomnia, stills the mind for meditation and sleep. Prepares the mind to receive wisdom and insights. Howlite formulates ambitions, both spiritual and material, and aids in achieving them. Teaches patience and helps to eliminate rage and uncontrolled anger. Helps you to overcome selfishness, strengthening positive character traits. Strengthens memory and stimulates a desire for knowledge.
Volcanic rock gives support during life challenges, facilitates flowing fluidly while remaining grounded. Helps to be more resilient under pressure, bounce back from life's challenges and achieve a more positive perspective on your situation. Transmutes anger & reduces stress, it works to maintain and realign, where appropriate, the structure of the body, giving its motor function muscular strength. Helps you bring your energy levels to optimum.
Jasper is known as the supreme nurturer. It sustains and supports during times of stress, brings tranquility and wholeness. Facilitates dream recall, balances yin and yang and aligns the physical and emotional bodies within the realm. Jasper brings courage, determination & honesty. Jasper prolongs sexual pleasure. Supports during prolonged illness or hospitalization and re-energizes the body.




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